100 Days of Inked Astronomy


Guess who is going to take part in #the100dayproject challenge on Instagram?! That's right, little ol' me! It's quite common knowledge that I really suck at keeping up with challenges, but I am so excited for this one that I really hope that I am able to stay focused and determined!

#the100dayproject is an Instagram challenge created by @elleluna in which you are encouraged to repeat an action everyday for 100 days starting from the 19th of April, which is tomorrow! Do check out @elleluna's Instagram for more information or the hashtag to get a feel of the community already forming!

So what am I going to be doing? Well, everyday I am going to illustrate a constellation, moon phase, or meteor shower in black & white ink. I have planned out every day to MAXIMISE my chances of success here, so this project will feature 88 constellations, 8 moon phases, and 4 meteor showers! It will be hashtagged as #100daysofinkedastronomy so all of the illustrations will be able to be viewed as I progress.

I am so excited to get started, in fact, I have already finished Day One so it is ready to be posted online tomorrow! I'm thinking that by working on them the day before, I will give myself plenty of flexibility to get each one done in time.

So are any of you guys taking part too? Let me know what you're doing and what your hashtag is, I'd love to see!