The Path of Progress : Blending Art Styles

If you've been following my art journey for a while you may have witnessed the many changes and transformations that my art has gone through. I've gone from celestial watercolour paintings, to intricate ink illustrations, to digital collage, to abstract paintings! I find it hard to stay with one style when there are so many exciting ways to play around with art and expression, and through all these changes I have given myself a hard time for not being able to keep true to one medium or style.

Maybe I just haven't found my soul style yet (if there even is such a thing) or maybe I was never meant to confine myself to one style. I'm trying to be more forgiving and accepting of how my creativity manifests nowadays and the main trigger for this realisation is an inspiring conversation I had with Jessica Andersdotter & Lianne Williams. These wonderful ladies are amazingly talented artists and I have the great honour of being able to call them my friends too! I was musing on Twitter about not having a one "true" style, umming and aahing over whether I wished to pursue my abstract paintings or detailed ink illustrations as my main focus when Jessica and Lianne came up with the most brilliant idea of combining the two into a signature style! Why it had not occurred to me before I will never know, but in that moment I was so inspired and excited to try it that I went ahead and created my first piece, a bumblebee illustration. I was instantly enamoured with it, and I think a large reason for this is that it reminds me of the work of Kim Krans, the artist and creatrix behind The Wild Unknown Tarot & The Animal Spirit Oracle, my two favourite decks! Feeling elated with how the first piece went, I set about creating the next, featuring the skull of a cat! Although I didn't like it quite as much as the first (which is usually the case for me when I'm experimenting) I still really liked how it turned out and the magical/whimsical feelings that I got from it!

Although I do not wish to confine myself into just one style anymore, I can't help but feel content and satisfied in taking the first steps towards developing a signature style of my own. I'm very much excited to develop these further and I can't wait to see how it progresses and inevitably transforms!

My bumblebee illustration is available to purchase as a print here!

My cat skull illustration will be available to purchase soon!