100 Days of Inked Astronomy - Week Four








We're four weeks into the project now, am I allowed to call it a month yet?! I'm excited because, as I keep saying, I've never kept up with a challenge so well and for so long! One half of me is just waiting for me to slip up and stop participating, while the other half just laughs and says "nah, we're here for the whole thing!" Even though I am super pleased with how well this project is going, there is one thing that I feel I really need to work on.. my participation & interaction with others & their work within the challenge. On a typical day, I'll sort out my illustration then post it to Instagram, then I won't think about it again throughout the rest of the day. That sucks, and I've begun to realise that a lot of the joy from this challenge comes from interacting with the other artists and following their journey too! I'm going to make it a daily goal now, to go through #THE100DAYPROJECT tag at least once, then I can catch up with everyone and feel more part of the growing community.

Do you have any favourite projects in the challenge? Link me and share the love!