June Art Goals


Welp, it's been a while since I set some monthly art goals, wanna know why? Well my last set of goals made me into a complete mess!! I set goals that I just could not keep up with, which made me feel really crappy about myself & my work, and ultimately burnt me out. So why am I back making more goals? Am I daft?! Maybe.. but I really do believe that goal setting is vital for self-improvement, so I have three new goals for this month. I've also purposefully made the goals quite easy to accomplish just so I can ease myself back into this process.. and not go through what happened last time!! So here are the three things I'm going to be focusing on this month!

1 )  DRAW AT LEAST ONE ILLUSTRATION A WEEK! The most foolproof way get better at something, is just to keep doing it! If I wanna get better at illustrating then I need to make more illustrations! Since I'm doing my #100days project at the moment I have been barely drawing anything else as it's been keeping me quite busy, I think I can manage to get one separate illustration completed each week though!

2 )  PRACTICE DRAWING MORE PLANTS & INSECTS! I adore looking at plants & insects, and I really enjoy drawing them too! My illustrations have featured a number of beetles and moths in the past but I would love to expand my repertoire and get even more creepy-crawlies involved. Plants too, I love drawing different types of leaves but I really struggle with flowers, so getting some practice in will be super helpful!

3 )  EXPERIMENT MORE WITH INK! Pretty much all of my artwork is done in black indian ink right now and I really love the medium, but I'm not really playing around with it and seeing what it can do. I know that ink is incredibly versatile, I just haven't been versatile with it yet. This is the month where I will change that and hopefully develop some new techniques for my work!

As I said they're easy goals, but it's also very easy to fail at any goal so I think these are a good restart point for me. If I don't manage all of them then I'm going to try to not beat myself up about it, I can't afford to hit another art block like the last one!

​Let me know what you think of the goals I've set and if you have any goals for this month!